About Us

We have spent more than a decade perfecting the art of technology and data-driven advertising and marketing. Taking ownership of the most advanced tools in the industry on behalf of South Africa’s biggest brands, beyond pure execution, we have invested a tremendous amount of time empowering clients through education and comprehensive partnerships.

With this incredible experience and based on the same principles and ethos of collaboration, we have launched Carbon1, an advisory focused on bringing together a collective intelligence of experienced marketers, technologists, analysts, engineers and creatives to deliver the most comprehensive service across all fundamental marketing and advertising technology and processes.

We fundamentally understand that Digital Transformation can be a slippery slope. It’s a constant juggle between “best of breed” vs “full suite” technology solutions. The reality is that the landscape has evolved into a platform-based ecosystem. We lead a priority shift to remove existing integration barriers within business by not only providing solutions that enable clients and their teams to fulfill the demands of this evolution, but also reinvigorate legacy systems that are under-utilised.

We partner with you and bring in our experts to fully understand objectives, processes and existing tools and technologies to identify multiple areas of improvement. Using these insights, we develop strategic roadmaps that we then implement to future-proof and scale your organisation. We extract the complete value of your technology investments whilst holistically up-skilling your key people that will be responsible for these platforms and processes.

  • The activation technology necessary for demand generation

  • The data required for accurate attribution and optimisation

  • The skills and creativity needed to test, refine & scale the full marketing process

Our tech advisory service will maximise growth by focusing on the skills and tech behind your data.