Our Data Services

Carbon1 enables bespoke capture of real-time data whilst facilitating large-scale data processing and analysis. The real importance of data is exactly that - analysis and the insight it contains. We go beyond understanding your existing and potential customers and craft personalised experiences whilst increasing efficiency through automation. Whilst compliant addressability and a deep audience understanding remains top of mind, we deliver without sacrificing performance or consumer privacy.


 Media Measurement & Attribution Modelling

Attribution will help you quickly identify your most effective marketing channels. You can spend more resources on the channels that have the most impact and reduce spend on those that provide less value in the customer journey. We work with leading attribution solutions to provide the right technology to deliver your measurement requirements.

With these tools in place, we use incrementality testing by design of carefully calculated experiments tailored for the idiosyncrasies of each of your channels, platforms, and media tactics. This informs you on every channel’s detailed contribution with comprehensive performance reports, providing the clearest possible picture to see the exact financial impact. When executed correctly, this can account for the pixel and cookie-related blindness that occurs when trying to use less efficient measurement models.

 Marketing Intelligence, Reporting & Visualisation

Marketing intelligence is the ability to see, analyse, understand, and make critical decisions on data. The main goal is giving decision-makers the ability to turn data into actionable insights. Besides the opportunity cost, the time it consumes to evaluate and digest disparate data is an ever-increasing drain for any business.

Carbon1 brings the experts who will unlock the data and insights you need as well as building and managing interactive, automated reports and dashboards with advanced integration and visualisation capabilities. We have expertise in developing and deploying intuitive dashboards and reporting solutions on all leading platforms including Tableau, Google Data Studio and Power BI enabling round the clock insights in the palm of your hand.



Site and Platform Analytics

Your business is only as good as the accuracy of it’s data. We will audit your owned assets, understand their main purpose, tag key data for tracking, set up internal filters, enable attribution and conversion points whilst ensuring all campaign data is accurately recorded. We not only run the data, we make it easy to interpret and provide ongoing actionable solutions.

Our collective of industry experts serve as a valuable resource at every critical junction. We set you up for success by asking the right questions to inform your business plans and provide meaningful outcomes for scalable business growth. This critical information ensures the retention and development of existing customers by increasing your effectiveness in serving them, whilst at the same time building new and engaged audiences.

 CRM Systems

Our CRM advisory helps you fight scattered customer data, poor lead conversions and low sales rates. Some CRM systems specialise in particular areas eg. operational, analytical and collaborative, whilst others have more robust capabilities that span multiple types of CRM areas. We help you get to grips with your business goals:

  • Do you want to automate your marketing or sales?

  • Are you looking for solutions to analyse your customers?

  • How would you like the departments at your company to collaborate? 

  • Do you focus on long-term relationships with your customers?

    Based on these answers alongside your broader business strategy, we will help to determine the optimal CRM solution and your roadmap to implementation, integration and activation.



Customer Tracking, Management and Measurement

Data and it’s derived insights provide the key to efficient, effective and successful campaigns. By embracing the correct technologies, marketers can overcome the skills gap and become ‘citizen data scientists’ with the ability to perform sophisticated analysis, generating valuable insights.

Our data integration solutions collect all your 1st party data you could need, unifies and stores it in a single location. This enables a fully holistic view on the performance of all your campaigns across every channel whilst connecting to real-time sales data to provide a complete picture of ad efficiency and your ideal marketing mix.